Top Tips for Organizing/Cleaning Your Home

Organizing your Space and Keeping it Organized:

  1. Identify the most bothersome areas:  Does a scuzzy bathroom drive you nuts?  How about a kitchen counter cluttered with dishes (even if they're clean).    Is it the idea there is enough pet fur under your bed to clothe another cat?  Maybe it's newspapers that pile up.
          List what areas bother you on a repeated basis.  Call these your "Hot Spots":
  1.  _________________
  2. _________________
  3. _________________
  4. ...
2.   Rate your hot spots as to their condition right now.  Maybe your kitchen has been neglected over the weekend.  Maybe you cleaned under the bed a week ago, but it's time to address it again.  Perhaps your desk has piled up with wrappers, books, coffee cups, etc. because you've been on the go lately.
3.  Prioritize the hot spots as to which you feel you should tackle first this week.  Remember, getting it done will result in you feeling calmer and more organized.  Choose the areas that, when cleaned, will result in the best feeling. 

4.  Schedule in cleaning time.  Of course you'll have to work around other responsibilities.  If you haven't got a good solid hour to clean, then be creative.  For instance, after your morning shower, take a bit of extra time to wipe down the counters, tub, toilet, and bathroom baseboards.  Or, each time you get up from your desk, remove some of the clutter, and put it where it needs to go. 

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