Decorating for the Season

Hopefully you decorated a little for the Christmas season.  It can seem like a lot of work at first, but it is worthwhile.  It is therapeutic.

If you stored your decorations well the year before, it should have been easy to decorate.  I was going to do minimal decorating, but once the bins were opened it became easy to put up more than I'd planned.

For some, following the same routine from year to year is helpful.  To remember what you've done, it is helpful to have photos to refer to. Others, like myself, prefer to change things a little from year-to-year.  Never is one display better than the last because I always decorate in ways that a meet my standard in one way or another.  I like fresh new looks.

I pondered not decorating because I was not planning to have guests in.  Friends confirmed that they were not having guests in either and they would still be decorating.  They reminded me of the joy and memories decorations stir up.  This is the only time of year such bold colours and breakable items are spread about, so to miss the opportunity would be sad indeed.  The cheering of my friends encouraged me to go for it yet again.

I decorated only a week before Christmas, but I'm enjoying it all.  I've wound up the snow globes.  I've added twinkle lights here and there.  I've sprayed cinnamon room spray about.  It's all good for the soul when done creatively and with a sense of order.


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