KIDS' TOYS - Tip 1

Keeping preschooler's toys organized is an ongoing dilemma for a mom, consuming a fair amount of her time, and sanity! It is a repetitive job.

The parts strewn about not only clutter the room, but mom's mind too. They are even dangerous as they become projectiles and tripping hazards.

There is no one perfect solution other than ridding the home of them completely, but I have a few tips for maintaining order. Actually, this segment has so many pieces, to value your time and keep your interest, I will put these tips into separate posts.

Tip 1

1. The Sanity Room - Try to keep one room or area of your home tidy, for grownups only, like a living room (if you have one separate from the play area), a corner with a chair and window, or your bedroom - somewhere you can go to sit in a calm change of scenery once in awhile throughout your day, and maybe enjoying a cup of tea. Having a neat and tidy sanity room for your personal time out, can bring you momentary calm amidst the preschool storm.

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