To Organize or To Discard

I read a great quote today that said,

"Don't organize anything that could be discarded."

That's worth thinking about. 

Discard things that either have no purpose or no longer serve you.  You could organize a bunch of catalogues and magazines, but unless you've referred to any of them, will use them in your job or have any other real purpose for them, they are just space takers. 

Usually right after flipping through one you'll know if there is a reason to keep it.

How about computer print outs?  I know a writer who insists on printing everything she writes.  Wouldn't it be more efficient for her to store items digitally on an external hard drive or even a set of flash drives?  

The response to this quote won't fully be realized until you ask yourself the question as you go about organizing:  Do I need this long term or can I discard it?

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