Need to Get Housework Started? Lack Motivation?

A cluttered room makes for a cluttered mind. 
Tips for Motivated Housework:
We can always think of better things to do than housework, but housework NEEDS doing.  Unless you pay exceptionally skilled help, there are things around the house all people will HAVE to do themselves. 

Here are some tips to get you going:

  1. Look at your schedule for a block of time for housework.  Choose a time you will begin to do housework and set a timer reminder.
  2. Create an opening ritual.  This might mean changing your clothes or putting on housework-friendly shoes. I like to light a scented candle and turn on inspiring music as part of my ritual.  (note:  the slower the music the slower you will work.  Slow music is okay if you want to do ballet-like stretching and meditating as you clean, but if you're on a time crunch you may want more upbeat music to keep you moving.)
  3. Choose a good place to stop.  Chances are you will NOT get the entire house cleaned.  Choose a good quitting spot and put away your supplies!!

more on another post.....until then.....happy housework!

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