We are a lot more effective and fulfilled when we know how to spend our time than living with an open schedule. Here is a tip for Scheduling your life:

  1. Keep a notebook. I know everyone is going paper free, but I still believe in a handy dandy notebook as a "to-do" list that you can reach for when the computer is off.Look through today's list and cross off what you did.  Add in things you did that weren't on the list even if it was something seemingly small.
  2. Stroke through the things you did with a single line so they are readable.
  3. Before you leave work or end your day, make a new list and add all the things that are still outstanding or are on the calendar to be done.
  4. Carry forward on to your new list anything you wrote down yesterday and didn't complete.  This one is important.  Then there are no old lists to look back on; just a carried forward list. 

 If you are a homemaker, stay at home mom, do the same. Actually, everyone should keep an at home journal aside from a work journal.

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